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Examples of this communication system are "Thermal Route, Coastal Route, Bungalow Route, Mythological Route  " We can give examples of sites such as. Because the basis of these sites is human-oriented communication.

The H2H approach focuses on personalized communication, building emotional connections, focusing on the customer experience, and paying attention to people's values, emotions, and needs.

H2H plays an important role, especially in digital marketing strategies, social media communications and customer relations. Because this approach focuses primarily on interaction between people, even through technology.


İnsanların haberleşmesi sadece fiziki midir?

H2H (Human to Human) is a term that refers to communication between people. It is a concept used in the business world and marketing strategies. The H2H approach emphasizes that companies or brands take a more human, emotional and friendly approach when communicating with people.


Uzaktan haberleşme de buna dahil midir?

The H2H (Human to Human) approach requires businesses or brands to adopt a more human, emotional and sincere approach when communicating with people. H2H's operating principles may include: Empathy and People Focus, Personalization, Sincerity and Integrity, Emotional Connection, Customer Experience Focus, Education and Adding Value

How does it work ?

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The H2H (Human to Human) approach helps businesses and brands build deeper, sincere and meaningful relationships with people. Some of the main reasons for using this approach may be: Emotional Connection, Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction, Brand Perception and Trust, Customer Experience Improvement, Differentiation and Competitive Advantage, Customer Feedback and Communication. For these reasons, the H2H approach is used to increase brand awareness of businesses, strengthen customer relationships, increase sales and create a more sustainable basis for long-term success.

Why is it used?

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Human To Human Communication


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Human-Centered Communication Real Connections

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